Outdoor tools steel heavy duty tactical small straight knife camping defense knife


Outdoor tools steel heavy duty tactical small straight knife camping defense knife



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Product details


Overall length: 22cm
Blade length: 9.8cm
Knife thickness: 8mm
Knife handle length: 11cm
Blade material: stainless steel
Weight: 480g
Hardness: 62.5HRC
Shank material: A grade G10
Leather: First layer cowhide
Sheath: American Standard 2.0K plate
Carrying: Waist-hangable

Additional information


Black, White

3 reviews for Outdoor tools steel heavy duty tactical small straight knife camping defense knife

  1. JoslinDeborah

    My favorite kind of knife, the one that makes people say “hey cool kni…oh my God you’re bleeding”
    So you need to be careful when using

  2. Matteo Pulvirenti

    All I can say is that men really like this design of knife, it’s really so attractive

  3. MatherJack

    I always prefer the bare metal look. I’ve got a couple hundred knives, but only a few have black coatings.

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